How it works
1. Patient Anamnesis
Some basic information is collected (gender, age, diabetes, intraocular pressure, etc.), the reason for the consultation, medical history and other information that might be relevant.
2. Retinal images
With the non-mydriatic camera, the pictures of the back of the eye are taken in a dark room. The flash indicates that the picture has been taken. State-of-the-art cameras can perform well even with very small pupils.
3. Image assessment by the retina expert
Our team of retina experts receive the cases randomly and anonymized and they write the medical report. Our commitment is to always answer cases within 48 hours, but normally it is faster than this. If the doctor observes any sign of abnormality, the patient will receive clear instructions or recommendations on how to proceed.
4. Report delivery
The health care provider downloads and prints out the medical report and then delivers it along with any clarification or explanation that might be required for the patient to understand the medical terminology.